
Saturday, 25 February 2012

Why I Will be Supporting England and Liverpool

Oh today is very exciting. I was listening to BBC Radio Wales this morning in the shed as I pottered about tidying up and finding things not seen since the Autumn. They were reporting from the London Welsh Rugby Club  in Surrey and the excitement was palpable.

So it with a heavy heart I have to say that, after a long walk with Patch TD (the dog) this morning on which to reflect the vital things in life this Lentern season, I have decided to support the English teams.

You see having backed Cardiff City in so many cups and promotion play-offs, and previous upsets with Wales... I have decided that more often than not I have backed the losing side. Ipso facto if I support England today and Liverpool tomorrow, I may send victories to the correct (i.e. Western) side of Offa's Dyke (foreign readers: look it up).

I don't have an English or Liverpool shirt to put on (come on! I can only go so far) but by stating it publicly I am letting lady luck know that my usual support for the losing side can continue.

Am I clutching at straws? You bet!

Besides which, supporting England and Liverpool must surely fulfil much of my Lentern obligations (alms to the culturally poor, sacrifice etc.) with at least all the Welsh Saints in heaven interceding on my behalf for this heart-wrenching decision.

And if anyone catches me cheering and screaming when Wales score a try, and similarly doing cartwheels should Cardiff score, remember it's not me. I am supporting the Saesneg teams. And I hope to be unlucky...

"Swing low..."


  1. I will definitely check up on the results! Just to see if your devious mind arrives at the correct result! Hopefully correct!

  2. Congratulations! and the Triple Crown to boot!

    1. woo hoo. Erm, I mean... oh dear. Oh no. England lost. ;-) Now come on Liverpool. Can this be a weekend to remember? ;-)

  3. Thought that was what you really wanted!

  4. It's a pity Iain Ramage's telly is not as good as mine as I could see clearly that David Strettle grounded the ball and that Steve Walsh forgot it's illegal to deliberately knock the ball into touch and ... Not that I am bitter you understand.

    (Actually, whilst it's tempting to blame officials the match was lost and won during the 10 minutes Wales were down to 14 men and they managed to keep the ball and England failed to capitlise so well done to Wales)

    1. Oh come come, both players were reaching for the ball (one could argue it is also illegal to deliberately try to knock on a ball to prevent the oppo getting it), but let us resolve all this by calmly and humbly saying: WALES WON! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

      Sorry, I mean oh drat. "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, No 58 to Pentwyn....."

      I must say though it was "nice" for Wales to be down to 14 men and not concede points. A pleasant change.

      Now, where's my Triple Crown slippers?

    2. Perhaps you need a new telly too ...

      Good game (and would have settled for the scoreline before the kick off - thought England were going to be hammered)

    3. Oh I'd have settled for that score too, as a new fully fledged England supporter.


No foul language please