
Saturday, 23 April 2011

Happy Easter

A very Happy and Holy Easter to all the Hurley family and the Huzzeys, Tullochs, Dingles, Tolmans, Crwys, Parsons and other branches of the family.

No you're not all Hurleys -- but you're near enough! ;-)

And to all friends and blog readers too: Happy Easter to you all.


  1. Happy Easter to you all as well. From everyone xxxx

  2. We've just got back from Easter Sunday Mass, the Pope's on telly and I've got a cuppa in my Benedict XVI mug! Does life get any better?

    I've heeded the words of Cardinal O'Brien and the only thing a bit ginger in the vicinity are the biscuits for dunking ;-)

  3. Alelluia!He is risen indeed!!


No foul language please