
Sunday, 24 April 2011

Bristol Am Byth??? Is the Land of Our Fathers Expanding?

Bristol - so near and yet so far
On Good Friday evening I was queueing in our local chip shop to get what the Scots call "fish suppers."

As an aside, I heard a programme a while back which said the fish n chips (especially as a Friday night treat) was popularised by the Irish immigrants in the East End of London who would, of course, eat fish on Fridays.

Anyway, back to the chippy. Whilst queueing I asked the girl dishing up the fish if she could account for the proprietress's whereabouts the evening before. She asked why - so I suggested the boss might have crossed the Severn Bridge to orchestrate the riots in Bristol (on Thursday).

The boss in question (who was dishing up the chips to those at the head of the queue) piped up on hearing the conversation and asked what the Bristol riots were about, to which some bright spark in the queue intoned "they want to be part of Wales."

Now there's a novel spin on the situation...

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