
Saturday, 16 October 2010

Private Daniel Roderick Hurley 14409489, 9th Para, R.I.P.

Please say a prayer for the repose of the soul of Daniel Roderick "Roddy" Hurley, died 7th June, 1944, Normandy, France.

This photograph was supplied by Bern and Fay Robins in the memory of The Parachute Regiment and family members Thomas Thresher and Charles Rutherford McIlhargey.

Photo Source 
Commonwealth War Graves Commission record of Private D.R. Hurley


  1. Caroline "Hurley" Semmens17 October 2010 at 17:49

    Wow Gareth, great picture! I'll be showing this to dad (Uncle Peter)

    Your dad was telling me that apparently grandad and nanny took him to see the grave when he was a young boy, but dad doesn't remember it. I wonder if the picture will remind him.

    Great blog!

  2. It is a great picture isn't it? I've been looking into the 9th Para's movements on the 7th June and it looks like our uncle may have been killed in action against a German unit staffed by Russians! Enrolled in the German Army after being PoWs... More on this later.

    Hope you'll keep an eye on the blog and do send me any info you get. I'm especially after scans of photos, documents etc. to do with Uncle Roddy, Nanna and Grampy Hurley and any Hurley relations inc. stuff from Ireland.

    Btw - tell your mum about my post on chickens... it might sway her. ;-)


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